Chanting the Hebrew Bible provides a fine history of the tradition and offers a comprehensive explanation of the practice, an explanation of regional variations and grammatical rules, and shows how chanting dramatizes and interprets the meaning within the biblical text. In addition, Jacobson shares his unique system of notation and supplies extensive examples of musical notation.
Hardcover: 1000 pages
Publisher: The Jewish Publication Society; HAR/COM edition (June 25, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0827606931
ISBN-13: 978-082760693
Joshua Jacobson's comprehensive 1000-page guide to cantillation is now available in this condensed, 300-page, user-friendly paperback edition. It is an ideal instructional guide for adult and young-adult students of Torah, for b'nai mitzvah students; and for cantors, rabbis, and Jewish educators of all denominations.
Like the original edition, it includes an explanation of the tradition and a description of the practice of chanting, with all its regional variations and grammatical rules. There is detailed instruction, with musical notation, on chanting of Torah, and shorter instructions for chanting the haftarah, the megillot, and readings for the High Holy Days.
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Jewish Publications Society (August 5, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0827608160
ISBN-13: 978-082760816
Features of the new edition:
A general subject index and an index to scriptural passages.
Revisions and corrections on most every page.
There is no CD in the back of the book. Instead, musical examples specific to the book are accessed at www.chantingthehebrewbible.com. The website also has videos, articles and links to other sites of interest.
Improved typography (including the SBL Hebrew font) to produce a visually handsome and readable product.
Revisions of the exercises and examples, based on more than a decade of teaching cantorial students.
A week-by-week guide to the Torah, haftarah and megillot readings for Shabbat and holidays: special melodies and customs, unusual pronunciations, pitfalls to avoid.
An updated bibliography.
Incorporation of new information made available since the first edition was published.
A comparison chart showing side-by-side the music for each ta’am in all six systems.
Suggestions for how to be an ideal reader and common errors to avoid.
This tome will also be available as an ebook.

The new revised edition of Chanting the Hebrew Bible is in now available!